Saturday, May 28, 2011

Poem for today

two guys, wearing velvet jackets, smoking rollies, playing acoustic guitar.

Nuclear Sounds 2011-1998 Presentation of the Steering Wheel in Everyday Traffic Line

Nuclear Family
Nuclear Age
if AIDS don't get you the warheads will.
Careering your cum all over the flyover
Marriage of semtex and production line.
Fine Wine
browse the Helvetica
Upwardly mobile
Time Travel.
Doctors w/o Borders, Waterstones and
Andrew Lloyd Webber enterprises.
The Line of Beauty
absorbed by Cathode Narcissus.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Getting on the train
bypass the
Andy's Records
first week of release
Reflections Cafe
Panoramic view
into mirror terrasse
House of the Borderland
secret enclave
fog of patchouli
and indecipherable utterings
from beneath
hippie beards
decorated pedestrian underpass
Berlin Wall
Butler's Wharf
riverside concrete united by
pro skateboarders, Waterloo Sunset
and Kingston undergrads
World's End Pub
face baptized in the Lock
as a seven year old misunderstanding
of canal levels
stumble into Roses
At Home, At School, At Play
He's a Tourist.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Cracked Actor

Crackedactor is a play on the Cathedral of Light
as envisioned by Gropius and later misused by the Nazis in the Cathedral of Light in the Nuremburg Rally
as predicted by Reich in the later misuse of the cultural war later used by branding,
the swastika being the Ur Nike symbol.
The Mass Psychology of Fascism.
Bowie is playing with the phenomenon of cultural leadership.
At the end of the film, Bowie is in bondage to the
fascism of character play.

LA, the centre of post modernism, city of formulation and cut ups.
Rip it up and start again.
City of detritus and assemblage.

Rehearsing your lines
Snorting your lines
Driving along the lines
Don't colour outside of the lines.
they walked in line.


The panopticon principle had been invented by Jeremy Bentham, the English philosopher, who in 1792 had been declared an honorary French citizen by the Legistlative Assembly in recognition of his works on colonial administration and penal reform.
His main idea was to replace the dungeon-dark underground, a place of oblivion-with the panopticon, a sort of glass hive in which all the drones (the prisoners) would be visible to the queen (the centrally placed quard). Transparent, the cell becomes a suitable unit for study. The panopticon may have been based on Louis XIV's menagerie in which all animal cages surrounded the king's salon.
No longer is the prisoner punished for past crimes: now he's studied as a subject of future misdeeds. No longer is the body alone held captive; now the mind is also invaded.

-Edmund White, "Genet"